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Membership with Deafblind Scotland

Deafblind Scotland are Scotland’s national charity and principal authority on meeting the complex needs of individuals living with deafblindness.

Our vision is a society in which deafblind people have the support and recognition necessary to have their human rights upheld enabling them to achieve equal citizenship.

Deafblind Scotland’s Guide/Communicator service is available across Scotland and is tailored to meet the needs of each individual. This service changes lives by enabling people with dual sensory loss/deafblindness to stay engaged in their communities. Our service:

  • Ensures equal access

  • Promotes independence

  • Provides stimulation

  • Encourages community integration

  • Improves health and wellbeing

  • Increases independent living skills

  • Offers opportunities to learn alternative communication skills

At Deafblind Scotland, we are committed to lifelong support for our members, adjusting support as their hearing and vision needs change.

More information available here (link to g/c page)

Guide / Communicator Service

To become a member of Deafblind Scotland or to refer someone, please contact:


Phone: 0141 777 6111

Text/Video call: 07715 421377

Fax: 0141 777 5827

Becoming a member

Finding information or catching up on the news can be difficult when living with a dual sensory impairment. We can provide regular news and health related information in an accessible format that is tailored to you: this could be Large Print, Braille, Moon, CD or email. Topics cover a wide variety, including:

  • Information about deafblindness

  • Advice on specialist equipment to help with daily routines

  • Topical information e.g. football or election results

  • Events in your area

  • Health and wellbeing information and advice


Deafblind Scotland offer a range of programmes aimed at:

  • Acquiring new skills or strengthening existing skills to help with the transition into living with a second sensory loss and to maintain independence for those with dual sensory loss.

  • Creating opportunities to try new interests and take on new challenges.

  • Strengthening friendships and building social connections.

  • Enhancing community engagement.

Social and skills development programmes

Our OUTreach technology team aim to open up the virtual world to deafblind people and support more people with dual sensory loss/deafblindness or those at risk of developing this to get online through accessing new and assistive technology. This is achieved through:

  • Providing opportunities to try equipment and to gain digital skills through digital cafes and individual learning sessions, online or through home visits by our digital champions.

  • Lending equipment through our lending library.

  • Providing support to access grants to buy personal technology.

  • Providing troubleshooting support.


Our skilled team can support you as your sight or hearing loss progresses. We can offer a range of support from a buddy who has walked in your shoes and will share their experiences of what has helped them through progressive sensory loss to practical skills training such as our BSL café sessions and support to access technology. There are a wide range of groups and sessions available and when needed we can create a programme built around individual need, however this service is limited.

Self Management Support

Within Deafblind Scotland we believe that the rich life experiences of deafblind people needs to be at the centre of all we do. Many deafblind people want to share how they have coped with their dual sensory impairment through learning new life skills so they can continue to achieve their life goals. These deafblind people have taken on tutoring roles within our social and skills development programmes. Others want to ensure that their experiences inform future policy development and are influential in removing barriers to equal life chances. Peer leadership opportunities include:

  • Share and Share alike tutor roles leading face to face and online activity sessions from quizzes and bingo to arts and crafts.

  • Communication skills development working one to one or in groups to help support others making the transition into dual sensory loss or to learn new methods of communication such as Moon, Braille, Tactile BSL and Deafblind Manual.

  • Providing deafblind awareness training to community groups, businesses and public service professionals.

  • Running the Scottish Advisory Group on Deafblindness or taking on a peer ambassador role through the Dare to Dream peer leadership programme.

Peer Leadership

If you need support to access welfare benefits or need information, advice or support to access other rights and entitlements or to overcome barriers that impact on your life such as housing or travel issues then Connect to Support can provide a tailored service, including:

  • Information on benefits and entitlements

  • Assessment of needs and support to access rights

  • Support to fill in essential forms

  • In person support at hearings or tribunals

  • Follow up and support to refer to other agencies

  • Carers information and advice (in specific areas of Scotland)

Connect to Support

We provide training on sensory loss aimed at creating a more inclusive society. A range of training is available face to face and as online modules including:

  • Deafblind and cross sensory impairment awareness training

  • Deafblind Communication/Guiding Qualification

  • Communication skills such as Deafblind Manual and Tactile BSL


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